This past year has flown by... It is hard to believe that one year ago today Maddy was born. It was such a scary day! Maddy arrived really early and so much was unknown when she was born. Now a year later she has grown into a gorgeous little girl and fills our lives with so much joy. It has been amazing to witness her growing. I remember the first time I saw her, held her, the first time she laughed then crawled and now she will be walking soon. Every time she does something new I look at Candace, her Mom, with such amazement because it is so awesome to see her changing everyday. As I said bye to Maddy tonight I hugged her and teared up, just still not believing she is here. These past few years have been quite a roller coaster ride, but we wouldn't trade the memories, the happy and the sad, for a minute! Life is so precious...
So Happy First Birthday Maddy! I love you!! Aunt Kelli

One year ago today! Maddy's first picture!
Metting Maddy for the first time!!! She was so small and so beautiful!
Love at first sight!!!
First time holding Maddy!! Aren't we cute!?!